Thursday, March 3, 2011

Criminal Jail Tax

Franklin County election will have voters decide whether they support a criminal justice tax in the next general election. County board has asked voters to support a 0.3 percent tax increase in order to pay for new jail, located in Pasco.

Sheriff, Richard Lathin, told reporters that the current jail is over capacity and additionally needs a new roof installed. In the past, leaky roof caused inmates to be evacuated and poses and represents a "pressing need."

In reality, this is nothing new. Tax dollars going for jails? This never happened before.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

If Mac is so cool . . .

How come the most obvious domains that should have been registered by Apple are taken by someone else? Where was Steve Jobs as the pariha of the whole Mac movement?

Why should I buy a Mac?